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Save the Bike path


AT&T has applied to San Diego for a permit to lease our dedicated open space on the bike path.  They intend to build a 30 foot tower within a few feet of the path, in the middle of a de facto park, used by generations of neighbors

The 30 foot tower would contain 9 high energy RF antennas.  The nearby 250 sqft "walled compound" would contain a diesel generator.



Oppose the AT&T Cell Tower and Stay Informed


Fill out this form to stay up to date and have your name submitted as someone who opposes this project.​​​​​​​​​​

Make Your Voice Heard at the Town Hall on 2/13 at LJHS

6:00-7:30pm 5G Town Hall


Learn about the impacts of wireless radiation from a world-renowned expert and express your views on the proposed AT&T cell tower on the LJ Bike Path. 

La Jolla High School Auditorium at 750 Nautilus Street.                                 RSVP


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​​​Celebrate our Precious Open Space


Attend a gathering on the Bike Path to celebrate our precious open space and learn more.  Details coming soon

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